Saturday, January 12, 2013

Complete the loop between knowledge generation centers and current politics

Its a idea to help improve the culture of politics in India. The idea is new only in its application but not in its constitution. Education for professionals have been institutionalized but education for politicians have never been institutionalized.

Just like a educational institute is able to create a network of people who abide by the culture of institute, why can't we create a institute where we can create a network of people who will abide by the by the culture of the institute and create great leaders for our future. However, we need to be cautious that the culture of institute should not be monopolized and thus it must be very open structured.

The aim is to improve the standard of current politics though institutionalized education. Over the period its alumni base will grow and improve but the point is that it will help create a platform for more informed, critical discussion of matters.

This is not an all encompassing idea, it doesn't aim to solve all problems. It aims to recreate the link between current politics and institutionalized education. Why? Because it has been our experience that educational institutions do improve the overall mileu of the society.

The following map illustrates the ideas in a pictorial form (Please look carefully for loops and try to construct missing links as well for better appreciation, you can take a print of it and work out the missing links, loops, concepts etc.)

How institutionalised education can help current politics?

02 - Civil rebellions and tribal uprising - Snathal Hool

How did the Santhals rise to rebellion?

Chapter 01 - The first major challenge: the revolt of 1857

How did the revolt began and tragically failed?

Coursera - ThinkAgain - Lec 01-04

How can arguments be put to different uses?

Friday, January 11, 2013

Chap 03 - Antecedents - Paleolothic and Mesolithic

What do we know about the cultural history of paleolithic and mesolithic people?

Chap 03 - Antecedents - Prehistoric Beginnings

How prehistoric study has evolved?

How concept maps can be useful?

The following map illustrates my understanding of how concept maps can be useful in learning. The basic ideas are to stimulate meaningful learning through dynamic thinking. The basic ways to bring about dynamic thinking is to have dynamic focus questions and root concept quantification.

How concept maps enhance learning?