Friday, November 23, 2012

Status And Dignity

Status and Dignity 

search in ambassador 1800 ISZ 
red beacon lights, stars on shoulders 
robes crossing the breast 
shoes polished and dresses edge 

Sprawling lawns adorned of season flowers 
High boundary walls, welcome peeps 
Sentry on gates, salutes at demand 
Status they call me, also in high towers 

Virtues all, vice free, it's the rank, the symbol 
Intelligence, kindness, be it courage 
Rightness flows through status 
Indelible and permanent, for any and all

Search in hearts enlightened,  minds of able 
Dignity lives and shines 
Material expressions though subtle 
Eyes and light certainly give trouble 

Limbs rise for purpose, other in sight 
Weakness ceases in company of light
Shall say words with voice and thought 
cantankerous events all around, say tight 

Society, liveable  around 
Filtered though net with two holes 
Status stays to the top 
Dignity falls through in wholes 

Rise and rise, status shall not lend hand 
If dignity doesn't have one, grow a band
Lest status consumes the sum 
Dignity must stone out of sand 

 Vivek Kumar

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